Athletic Performance
Improve your athletic prowess with health powders designed to increase oxygen to the muscles, boost energy, reduce body fatigue and build muscles. Search below for the products specific to your needs.
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Improve Athletic Performance
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with athletic performnce. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
Pre-Workout Energy
Freezed-Dried Coconut Water highlights: 1 tablespoon comes from 12 fl oz coconut water
- Awesome source of Magnesium and Vitamin B-complex
- Hydration-Electrolytes including Magnesium
- Hangovers/Morning Sickness
- Bone Density
- Prevent kidney stones
- Energy
- Healthy Pregnancy
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Menstrual Pain
Warnings: Not for people with Chronic Kidney disease or hyperkalemia
Ginger highlights include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Nausea/Pregnancy health
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides
- Motion Sickness
- Vertigo
- Gut Health
- Slow Cancer growth
- Male fertility
Drug Interactions: Being an anticoagulant, it should not be paired with drugs with the same effect such as Warfarin, and possibly NSAIDs such as Aspirin; doubly important when used during pregnancy
Guarana highlights include:- Great Energy
- Weight loss/curve cravings
- Neuroprotective
- Cognitive Skill
Drug Interactions: It could interact with medicines like some antidepressants, lithium, sedatives, and blood thinners. Don’t use along with other stimulants
Warnings: Avoid if you are pregnant, or have high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, glaucoma, osteoporosis, heart problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, kidney problems, liver disease, or are caffeine sensitive
Black Maca highlights include:
- Energy/Alertness
- Anxiety/Depression
- Infertility
- Sexual Performance
- Bone Density
- Testosterone
- Thyroid function
Drug Interactions: May counteract blood thinners
Warnings: Do not use if ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine cancer are present
Ceremonial Grade Matcha provides is generally richer in nutrients vs regular matcha. Its highlights include:
- Catechin ECG's- Cancer prevention(Bladder)
- Heart risks of atherosclerosis, highblood pressure, and congestive heart failure
- Body Fat reduction
- Cognitive Skills and Concentration
- Bad Breath
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Liver protection
- L-Theanine
Workout Recovery
Green Seamoss highlights include:
- 92 of 102 Essential Minerals
- May help Parkinson's
- Immune system
- Hypothyroidism
- Workout recovery- Muscle repair
- Fucoxanthin- May reduce glucose
Drug Interactions: It may counter-act Graves (Hyperthyroidism) medication. Can potentiate Iodine medication
Warnings: For full bioavailabity, it should be prepared and transformed to Gel form: scan lower QR code for video sample (not associated with the Nature Uncut Co.) of how to make gel. Do not use if suffering from Hyperthyroidism and or Crohn´s disease
Beet Root highlights include:
- High Blood Pressure
- Vitamin B9- Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention
- Athletic Performance
- Fatigue reduction
- Cancer Prevention
Warnings: Do not use if suffering from Kidney Stones and/or Gout
Spirulina highlights include:
- Cholesterol/High Blood Pressure/Diabetes type 2
- Liver- NAFLD
- Stroke prevention
- Immune system
- Decreases Interleukin 4- Allergies, Asthma, Eczema
- Cancer therapy
- Detox/Heavy Metals
- Weight loss
- Muscle endurance
Warnings: Overuse may cause headaches. Do not take if suffering from Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and/or MS
Our MCT Oil comes Coconut Oil only (not Palm Oil). Its highlights are:
- Increase Ketones Bodies-Alzheimer therapy prevention
- Weight loss- Calorie burn/appetite suppression
- Energy/Endurance
- Cholesterol
- Nutrient Uptake- Ideal for people with Gastric Sleeve procedures
- Autism- Reduce severity
Warning: Do not abuse recommended amount. Work your way up, if need be, by using 1 tsp per day to no more than 3 tsp
Purple Seamoss highlights include:
- 92 of 102 Essential Minerals
- May help Parkinson's
- Immune system
- Hypothyroidism
- Workout recovery- Muscle repair
- Fucoxanthin- May reduce glucose
Drug Interactions: It may counter-act Graves (Hyperthyroidism) medication. Can potentiate Iodine medication
Warnings: For full bioavailabity, it should be prepared and transformed to Gel form: scan lower QR code for video sample (not associated with the Nature Uncut Co.) of how to make gel. Do not use if suffering from Hyperthyroidism and or Crohn´s disease
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Blood Circulation
Pomegranate nature highlights include:- Ischemia-Reduces cholesterol build up
- Lowers H. Blood Pressure
- Cancer prevention
- Manganese- Joint/Bone health
- Athletic performance
- Good source of Magnesium and Folate
- Type 2 diabetes- May reduce glucose levels
- Digestion: IBS relief
- Liver- Reduction of GGT/NAFLD
Lion's Mane highlights include:- Cognitive Decline - Dementia/Alzheimer's
- Nootropic- Brain Fog/Focus
- Nerve Damage
- May mitigate Multiple Sclerosis
- Hericenone B- Reduce blood clots and improve blood circulation
- Anxiety Depression
- Cancer Metastasis
- Gut Health
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Cordycep Mushrooms highlight:
- Liver Damage
- Kidney failure
- Athletic performance
- Bone density
- Cancer tumor
- Heartbeat stability
- Uric acid (gout)
- Post-Organ transplant immuno-suppressant
Drug Interactions: May potentiate Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs
Spirulina highlights include:
- Cholesterol/High Blood Pressure/Diabetes type 2
- Liver- NAFLD
- Stroke prevention
- Immune system
- Decreases Interleukin 4- Allergies, Asthma, Eczema
- Cancer therapy
- Detox/Heavy Metals
- Weight loss
- Muscle endurance
Warnings: Overuse may cause headaches. Do not take if suffering from Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and/or MS
Our MCT Oil comes Coconut Oil only (not Palm Oil). Its highlights are:
- Increase Ketones Bodies-Alzheimer therapy prevention
- Weight loss- Calorie burn/appetite suppression
- Energy/Endurance
- Cholesterol
- Nutrient Uptake- Ideal for people with Gastric Sleeve procedures
- Autism- Reduce severity
Warning: Do not abuse recommended amount. Work your way up, if need be, by using 1 tsp per day to no more than 3 tsp
Moringa Leaf powder highlights include:- Highly nutritious
- Chemoprotective/Detox
- Reduces risk of cancers
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides Reduction
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Improves Lactation
- Anemia/Sickle cell management
- Thyroidism- Stabilizes TSH levels
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other thyroid medication
Warnings: Avoid during 1st trimester of pregnancy
Muscle Building
Black Maca highlights include:
- Energy/Alertness
- Anxiety/Depression
- Infertility
- Sexual Performance
- Bone Density
- Testosterone
- Thyroid function
Drug Interactions: May counteract blood thinners
Warnings: Do not use if ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine cancer are present
Ashwagandha highlights include:
- Lowers Cortisol Levels
- Hypothyroidism- Up T4 to T3 conversion
- Stress/Anxiety/Depression/Irritability/Mood
- Lupus-SLE
- Chemoprotective against Paclitaxel
- Reduced chance of Metastasis
- Power Output
- Male Fertility-Sperm Quality
- Lowers Total Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Warning: Avoid for hyperthyroidism caused by Hashimoto's or Graves Disease
Moringa Leaf powder highlights include:- Highly nutritious
- Chemoprotective/Detox
- Reduces risk of cancers
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides Reduction
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Improves Lactation
- Anemia/Sickle cell management
- Thyroidism- Stabilizes TSH levels
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other thyroid medication
Warnings: Avoid during 1st trimester of pregnancy
Sacha Inchi highlights include:
- 60% Protein
- Zinc rich
- Gut health
- Excellent for protein-based weight loss
- Workout recovery -
- Muscle repair
- Improve cholesterol levels
Warnings: Do not use if allergic to nuts
Hemp Seed highlights include:
- 30% Protein
- Omega 3 and Omega 6
- Healthy Heart
- Healthy Digestion
- Nice Magnesium, Zinc, and Vit. E
- May reduce eczema symptoms
- Anti-inflammatory GLA
Drug Interactions: May potentiate cardiac glycosides (digoxin), diuretics, and blood thinners
Pea Protein highlights include:- Amazing 80% Protein
- Minimal fat content
- Keto perfect = weight loss - makes you feel full
- Increase muscle mass
- Workout recovery -Muscle repair
- Kidney- May help to mitigate CKD high blood pressure
- Boost iron absorption
Cardio Support
Cordycep Mushrooms highlight:
- Liver Damage
- Kidney failure
- Athletic performance
- Bone density
- Cancer tumor
- Heartbeat stability
- Uric acid (gout)
- Post-Organ transplant immuno-suppressant
Drug Interactions: May potentiate Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.
Power Output
Black Maca highlights include:
- Energy/Alertness
- Anxiety/Depression
- Infertility
- Sexual Performance
- Bone Density
- Testosterone
- Thyroid function
Drug Interactions: May counteract blood thinners
Warnings: Do not use if ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine cancer are present
Ashwagandha highlights include:
- Lowers Cortisol Levels
- Hypothyroidism- Up T4 to T3 conversion
- Stress/Anxiety/Depression/Irritability/Mood
- Lupus-SLE
- Chemoprotective against Paclitaxel
- Reduced chance of Metastasis
- Power Output
- Male Fertility-Sperm Quality
- Lowers Total Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Warning: Avoid for hyperthyroidism caused by Hashimoto's or Graves Disease
Moringa Leaf powder highlights include:- Highly nutritious
- Chemoprotective/Detox
- Reduces risk of cancers
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides Reduction
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Improves Lactation
- Anemia/Sickle cell management
- Thyroidism- Stabilizes TSH levels
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other thyroid medication
Warnings: Avoid during 1st trimester of pregnancy
Sacha Inchi highlights include:
- 60% Protein
- Zinc rich
- Gut health
- Excellent for protein-based weight loss
- Workout recovery -
- Muscle repair
- Improve cholesterol levels
Warnings: Do not use if allergic to nuts
Hemp Seed highlights include:
- 30% Protein
- Omega 3 and Omega 6
- Healthy Heart
- Healthy Digestion
- Nice Magnesium, Zinc, and Vit. E
- May reduce eczema symptoms
- Anti-inflammatory GLA
Drug Interactions: May potentiate cardiac glycosides (digoxin), diuretics, and blood thinners
Pea Protein highlights include:- Amazing 80% Protein
- Minimal fat content
- Keto perfect = weight loss - makes you feel full
- Increase muscle mass
- Workout recovery -Muscle repair
- Kidney- May help to mitigate CKD high blood pressure
- Boost iron absorption
Joint Protection
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Lemon highlights include:- Anemia- Improves Iron absorption
- Lutein + Zeaxanthin - Stroke Prevention
- Vitamin C, Selenium, & Folates
- Asthma Prevention
- Collagen Formation
- Polyphenols
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Freezed-Dried Coconut Water highlights: 1 tablespoon comes from 12 fl oz coconut water
- Awesome source of Magnesium and Vitamin B-complex
- Hydration-Electrolytes including Magnesium
- Hangovers/Morning Sickness
- Bone Density
- Prevent kidney stones
- Energy
- Healthy Pregnancy
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Menstrual Pain
Warnings: Not for people with Chronic Kidney disease or hyperkalemia