Oil Benefits

Moringa Seed Oil

Customer-Proven to Improve Skin Conditions

Moringa seed oil fights skin conditions like psoriasis, acne, eczema, dermatitis and lichen planum! It helps to purify your skin and protect it from absorbing germs and dirt.


Very high in vitamins, antioxidants & essential fatty acids. This lightweight oil goes on smooth and doesn’t clog your pores. It plumps skin and smooths wrinkles.

Silky Smooth Skin

Goodbye lines, wrinkles & saggy skin! Restore the vitality and youthful complexion of your skin.

Prevents Hair Breakage

Moringa seed oil is a storehouse of nutrients known to provide the proper blood flow to your scalp which helps in the absorption of more nutrients available in the hair follicles.

Fast Absorption

What good are nutrients if they stay on the surface of your skin? Moringa Seed Oil deeply penetrates your skin, delivering the powerhouse of nutrients where they’re needed – your cells.

Stimulates Hair Growth

Moringa Oil has an abundance of vitamins and minerals that stimulate the natural growth of your hair by enhancing and promoting immune function.

Hey guys! Today marks the second week that I have been consistently using Moringa oil on my eczema! I have a spot on my hand that has literally been there for months now and within two weeks it is pretty much 100% gone. You know how picky I am with topical products and of course I was skeptical at first but after trying it consistently and literally seeing my skin actually heal I am sold! I have been using moringa oil on my eczema, hair, face, lips! Thank you to @natures_uncut for sending me the product to try otherwise I would have never know how healing it is!!!

Chia Mia Oil

Relieves Arthritis

The anti-inflammatory properties of Chia Oil helps relieve arthritis. Not only that, the Omega 3 fatty acid ALA helps prevent diseases including Rheumatoid Arthritis. This oil is beneficial when taken to reduce existing RA conditions as well.

Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels

This pure oil contains proteins that help control blood sugar levels by reducing them. Essentially, it lowers the blood glucose levels which aids in Diabetes maintenance.

Improves Heart & Liver Function

Another benefit of the Omega 3 fat ALA is its effect on the heart and liver. It reduces fat in the liver, and lowers inflammation in the heart. Essentially, ALA helps redistribute fats away from these organs.

Prevents Insulin Resistance

Chia Oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acid: ALA. Using this oil improves glucose metabolism and even prevents insulin resistance!

High in Antioxidants

Chia Oil is higher than Chia Seeds in antioxidants. It helps express specific enzymes so that there is greater antioxidant activity. These enzymes include superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

Boosts Energy

Due to the high nutrient-rich energy profile of chia seeds, both the seeds and oil are energy boosters. The oil has a high protein, carbohydrate, and dense calorie amount with a low glycemic load. They are also very hydrating.


Good Energy Source

MCT, or medium-chain triglycerides, absorbs more quickly into the body that long-chain. Because MCTs are shorter, they travel from gut to liver faster, and do not require to be broken down. Therefore, they are immediately available to use as energy.

Promotes Weight Loss

Due to its immediate availability for use as energy, and the feeling of fullness it provides those who consume it, MCT oil can help aid in weight loss. MCT oil also encourages good bacteria to grow in the gut lining, keeping it working better.

Athletic Performance

MCTs help reduce lactate buildup, so athletes that mix MCT oil into food prior to working out may see an ease in their exercise. Also, MCTs taken before a workout will help burn fat for energy rather than carbs.

Cardio Protective

Since MCT oil has been shown to increase energy and promote fat loss, it may also help fight off heart disease. When mixed with phytosterols and flax seed oil, MCT oil reduces bad cholesterol. MCT oil by itself also has been shown to increase good cholesterol.

Great for the Brain

MCT Oil is well-known for promoting brain health. It has even been shown to slow Alzeheimer’s
