Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Health
Too high or too low of blood pressure can lead to many health issues. In many cases, blood pressure can be influenced by a better diet. Cholesterol is a build-up of fatty plaque in the arteries which restricts blood flow. Thankfully cholesterol is affected by diet and lifestyle.
I Need Help With:
Improve your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with blood pressure or cholesterol. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
PVR (Peripheral Vascular Resistance)
High Blood Pressure
Sour Sop Fruit highlights include:- Lymphatic System
- Antihelmintic- kills parasites and worms
- Zeaxanthin- Eyes
- Cools fevers
- Breasfeeding - Improves lactation
- B1,B2,B3 Vitamins, Folates, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium
- Great source of Fiber
- Potasium- Sodium remover - lower H. blood pressure
Spirulina highlights include:
- Cholesterol/High Blood Pressure/Diabetes type 2
- Liver- NAFLD
- Stroke prevention
- Immune system
- Decreases Interleukin 4- Allergies, Asthma, Eczema
- Cancer therapy
- Detox/Heavy Metals
- Weight loss
- Muscle endurance
Warnings: Overuse may cause headaches. Do not take if suffering from Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and/or MS
Turmeric highlights include:
- Pain Relief
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood Pressure
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Best taken with black pepper 10 part turmeric 1 part black/cayenne pepper
Warnings: Overuse can lead to liver damage, GI problems and dermatitis
Moringa Seed highlights include:- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Lungs/Asthma symptom reduction
- Constipation
- Gout
- Kidney health
- Vitamin E
- Hyperthyroidism
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other diabetic/hypertensive medication as it may potentiate them
Warnings: Do not abuse recommended amount
Cat's Claw highlights include:
- Osteo-Arthritis/Rheumatoid Arthritis
- White blood cell count/Chemoprotective
- High blood pressure
- Immunostimulating
- Diverticulitis/crohn's/ibs
- Anti-estrogenic properties = hormone induced cancer prevention
Drug Interactions: Do not take at the same time with anta-acids as it may reduce the metabolism of the cat's claw
Warnings:Do not use if planning for pregnancy or during pregnancy. Don't use before or after an organ, or bone marrow transplant, or if suffering from Parkinson's Disease
Pomegranate nature highlights include:- Ischemia-Reduces cholesterol build up
- Lowers H. Blood Pressure
- Cancer prevention
- Manganese- Joint/Bone health
- Athletic performance
- Good source of Magnesium and Folate
- Type 2 diabetes- May reduce glucose levels
- Digestion: IBS relief
- Liver- Reduction of GGT/NAFLD
Stress H. Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Total Cholesterol
Our MCT Oil comes Coconut Oil only (not Palm Oil). Its highlights are:
- Increase Ketones Bodies-Alzheimer therapy prevention
- Weight loss- Calorie burn/appetite suppression
- Energy/Endurance
- Cholesterol
- Nutrient Uptake- Ideal for people with Gastric Sleeve procedures
- Autism- Reduce severity
Warning: Do not abuse recommended amount. Work your way up, if need be, by using 1 tsp per day to no more than 3 tsp
Ashwagandha highlights include:
- Lowers Cortisol Levels
- Hypothyroidism- Up T4 to T3 conversion
- Stress/Anxiety/Depression/Irritability/Mood
- Lupus-SLE
- Chemoprotective against Paclitaxel
- Reduced chance of Metastasis
- Power Output
- Male Fertility-Sperm Quality
- Lowers Total Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Warning: Avoid for hyperthyroidism caused by Hashimoto's or Graves Disease
Moringa Leaf powder highlights include:- Highly nutritious
- Chemoprotective/Detox
- Reduces risk of cancers
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides Reduction
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Improves Lactation
- Anemia/Sickle cell management
- Thyroidism- Stabilizes TSH levels
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other thyroid medication
Warnings: Avoid during 1st trimester of pregnancy
Chlorella Vulgaris highlights include:- Detox/immunostimulating
- Water retention/leg swelling
- Kidney/liver protection
- Lung protection
- Fibromyalgia
- Pregnancy
- B12 for brain/cholesterol
- Crohn's/Diverticulitis/Constipation
- Chemoprotective
Drug Interactions: May diminish effect of blood thinning medication
Warnings: Not for children under 12. Do not take if you suffer from allergies
Sea Buckthorn Oil highlights include:
- Weight loss by carbohydrate absorption reduction
- Phytosterols- Heart health thru cholesterol blocking
- Dry eyes
- Quercetin- Anticancer
- Liver-Cirrhosis
- Vaginal dryness
- Adrenal fatigue
- Fe, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn rich
Drug interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant/antiplatelet/H. blood pressure drugs
Our bee pollen is Monofloral/Single nectar sourced and has 200 beneficial compounds.
Bee Pollen highlights include: • Lower Cholesterol • May improve blood circulation • Liver disease • Possibly inhibits tumor growth • Inflammation • Immune system
Warning: Do not feed to infants under one year.