Cardiovascular Health
Your cardiovascular health includes the condition of your heart and how well blood moves around the body. You may wish to have better cardio health through exercise for a stronger body. However, cardio health also has to do with blood pressure, cholesterol, stroke and a variety of diseases.
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Help With:
Optimize your Cardio
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with cardio health. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
Rosemary Oil natural components and may help with:
- Hair growth (Topical Use)
- Memory- Dementia/
- Alzheimer (Aromatherapy)
- Circulation- Raynaud (Topical)
- Stress (Aromatherapy)
- Pain Relief - anti-inflammatory (Topical)
- Anti-biotic potentiator
- Wound healing (topical)
- Liver- Cirrhosis
- Cancer- Apoptosis thru Carnosol
Drug interactions: internally may interact with anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs, ACE, diuretics and lithium
Warning: Best mixed with a carrier oil (Olive/Moringa Oil)
Pomegranate nature highlights include:- Ischemia-Reduces cholesterol build up
- Lowers H. Blood Pressure
- Cancer prevention
- Manganese- Joint/Bone health
- Athletic performance
- Good source of Magnesium and Folate
- Type 2 diabetes- May reduce glucose levels
- Digestion: IBS relief
- Liver- Reduction of GGT/NAFLD
Lion's Mane highlights include:- Cognitive Decline - Dementia/Alzheimer's
- Nootropic- Brain Fog/Focus
- Nerve Damage
- May mitigate Multiple Sclerosis
- Hericenone B- Reduce blood clots and improve blood circulation
- Anxiety Depression
- Cancer Metastasis
- Gut Health
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Pomegranate nature highlights include:- Ischemia-Reduces cholesterol build up
- Lowers H. Blood Pressure
- Cancer prevention
- Manganese- Joint/Bone health
- Athletic performance
- Good source of Magnesium and Folate
- Type 2 diabetes- May reduce glucose levels
- Digestion: IBS relief
- Liver- Reduction of GGT/NAFLD
Chlorella Vulgaris highlights include:- Detox/immunostimulating
- Water retention/leg swelling
- Kidney/liver protection
- Lung protection
- Fibromyalgia
- Pregnancy
- B12 for brain/cholesterol
- Crohn's/Diverticulitis/Constipation
- Chemoprotective
Drug Interactions: May diminish effect of blood thinning medication
Warnings: Not for children under 12. Do not take if you suffer from allergies
Ceremonial Grade Matcha provides is generally richer in nutrients vs regular matcha. Its highlights include:
- Catechin ECG's- Cancer prevention(Bladder)
- Heart risks of atherosclerosis, highblood pressure, and congestive heart failure
- Body Fat reduction
- Cognitive Skills and Concentration
- Bad Breath
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Liver protection
- L-Theanine
Hibiscus Flower Powder highlights include:
- High Blood Pressure
- Lowers Triglycerides
- Prevent Arterial clog
- Anemia
- Diuretic
- Diabetes type 2 when taken with white mulberries
- Prevent Kidney Stones
- Appetite Suppressant
Drug Interactions: May potentiate the effect of diuretic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory (diclofenac), malaria drugs.
Warnings: Avoid if you are allergic or sensitive to it or members of the Malvaceae plant family i.e. cacao/okra
Heart Stability
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Cordycep Mushrooms highlight:
- Liver Damage
- Kidney failure
- Athletic performance
- Bone density
- Cancer tumor
- Heartbeat stability
- Uric acid (gout)
- Post-Organ transplant immuno-suppressant
Drug Interactions: May potentiate Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs
Mulungu highlights include:- Sedative- Sleep-Restlessness
- Nicotine/Drug Withdrawal
- Tachycardia/High blood pressure
- Asthma/Pneumonia
- Epilepsy
- Mild pain reliever
- Liver protection
Drug Interactions: May potentiate some antianxiety drugs such as diazepam and antihypertensive drugs.
Warnings: Do not drive/operate machinery. Avoid during pregnancy
Congestive Heart
Ceremonial Grade Matcha provides is generally richer in nutrients vs regular matcha. Its highlights include:
- Catechin ECG's- Cancer prevention(Bladder)
- Heart risks of atherosclerosis, highblood pressure, and congestive heart failure
- Body Fat reduction
- Cognitive Skills and Concentration
- Bad Breath
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Liver protection
- L-Theanine
Heart Health
Slippery Elm:
- Crohn's
- GERD/Acid Reflux
- Cough
- Sooth skin
- Constipation
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant or are planning to
Drug Interactions: It may slow down the absorption of medication. Take 2 hrs after or before any medication
Marshmallow Root highlights include:
- Cough relief
- Prevent Ulcers/Repair gut lining
- Crohn's
- Dry mouth
- Skin irritation (Salve)
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if suffering from bleeding disorders or 2 weeks prior to surgery
Drug Interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs. Do not take with Lithium medication
Mangosteen highlights include:
- Gum disease-mix with toothpaste or mouthwash
- Arthritis- disk disease
- Help prevent cervical cancer by reducing HPV load
- Heart disease prevention
- Weight loss- reduces body ability to store fat
Warnings: Do not use if you have a bleeding disorder
Beet Root highlights include:
- High Blood Pressure
- Vitamin B9- Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention
- Athletic Performance
- Fatigue reduction
- Cancer Prevention
Warnings: Do not use if suffering from Kidney Stones and/or Gout
Sour Sop Fruit highlights include:- Lymphatic System
- Antihelmintic- kills parasites and worms
- Zeaxanthin- Eyes
- Cools fevers
- Breasfeeding - Improves lactation
- B1,B2,B3 Vitamins, Folates, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium
- Great source of Fiber
- Potasium- Sodium remover - lower H. blood pressure
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.
Freezed-Dried Coconut Water highlights: 1 tablespoon comes from 12 fl oz coconut water
- Awesome source of Magnesium and Vitamin B-complex
- Hydration-Electrolytes including Magnesium
- Hangovers/Morning Sickness
- Bone Density
- Prevent kidney stones
- Energy
- Healthy Pregnancy
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Menstrual Pain
Warnings: Not for people with Chronic Kidney disease or hyperkalemia
Acerola highlights include:
- Fights free radicals/Immune System Support
- High source of vitamin C and Magnesium
- Strong anti-oxidant & cellular protector
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Antifungal
- High cholesterol and fatty liver
- Memory Loss
- Liver Protection
Warning: Those who are allergic to latex may be allergic to acerola.
Dragon Fruit highlights include:
- Magnesium
- Prebiotics/Probiotics
- Digestive health
- Zinc
- Pre-diabetes
- Antioxidants rich
- Fiber
Warnings: may potentiate diabetes medication
Kale highlights include:- Magnesium/Calcium/Potassium rich
- Vision- Lowers risk of cataract /macular degeneration
- Lowers Cholesterol-LDL
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Dementia/Alzheimer Preventions
- Lengthens Telomeres- Genetic Disease Prevention
- Longevity
Sour Sop Fruit highlights include:- Lymphatic System
- Antihelmintic- kills parasites and worms
- Zeaxanthin- Eyes
- Cools fevers
- Breasfeeding - Improves lactation
- B1,B2,B3 Vitamins, Folates, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium
- Great source of Fiber
- Potasium- Sodium remover - lower H. blood pressure
Pomegranate nature highlights include:- Ischemia-Reduces cholesterol build up
- Lowers H. Blood Pressure
- Cancer prevention
- Manganese- Joint/Bone health
- Athletic performance
- Good source of Magnesium and Folate
- Type 2 diabetes- May reduce glucose levels
- Digestion: IBS relief
- Liver- Reduction of GGT/NAFLD
Arterial Strength
Dragon Fruit highlights include:
- Magnesium
- Prebiotics/Probiotics
- Digestive health
- Zinc
- Pre-diabetes
- Antioxidants rich
- Fiber
Warnings: may potentiate diabetes medication
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Varicose Veins / Edemas
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Cordycep Mushrooms highlight:
- Liver Damage
- Kidney failure
- Athletic performance
- Bone density
- Cancer tumor
- Heartbeat stability
- Uric acid (gout)
- Post-Organ transplant immuno-suppressant
Drug Interactions: May potentiate Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs
Moringa Seed highlights include:- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Lungs/Asthma symptom reduction
- Constipation
- Gout
- Kidney health
- Vitamin E
- Hyperthyroidism
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other diabetic/hypertensive medication as it may potentiate them
Warnings: Do not abuse recommended amount
Stone Breaker Chanca Piedra nature highlights include:
- Kidney/Gallbladder Stones
- Gout
- Antiviral- Covid, Influenza, HIV, Herpes and more
- UTI's
- Diuretic
- Liver Detox
- Stomach ulcers
Warnings: Do not use if pregnant, and/or breastfeeding
Blood Clots
Beet Root highlights include:
- High Blood Pressure
- Vitamin B9- Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention
- Athletic Performance
- Fatigue reduction
- Cancer Prevention
Warnings: Do not use if suffering from Kidney Stones and/or Gout
Lion's Mane highlights include:- Cognitive Decline - Dementia/Alzheimer's
- Nootropic- Brain Fog/Focus
- Nerve Damage
- May mitigate Multiple Sclerosis
- Hericenone B- Reduce blood clots and improve blood circulation
- Anxiety Depression
- Cancer Metastasis
- Gut Health
Hibiscus Flower Powder highlights include:
- High Blood Pressure
- Lowers Triglycerides
- Prevent Arterial clog
- Anemia
- Diuretic
- Diabetes type 2 when taken with white mulberries
- Prevent Kidney Stones
- Appetite Suppressant
Drug Interactions: May potentiate the effect of diuretic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory (diclofenac), malaria drugs.
Warnings: Avoid if you are allergic or sensitive to it or members of the Malvaceae plant family i.e. cacao/okra