Inflammation is a general way that our body tells us there is something wrong – From a pulled muscle to more severe issues such as Lupus. It can present itself, though not exclusively, to your joints (Rheumatoid), bones (Osteo), nerve, muscle, water retention, organs, allergic reactions and asthma. It’s always important to understand the root cause to select the best diet plants to help us deal with the issue.
I Need
Help With:
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with inflammation. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
Slippery Elm:
- Crohn's
- GERD/Acid Reflux
- Cough
- Sooth skin
- Constipation
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant or are planning to
Drug Interactions: It may slow down the absorption of medication. Take 2 hrs after or before any medication
Marshmallow Root highlights include:
- Cough relief
- Prevent Ulcers/Repair gut lining
- Crohn's
- Dry mouth
- Skin irritation (Salve)
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if suffering from bleeding disorders or 2 weeks prior to surgery
Drug Interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs. Do not take with Lithium medication
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
Mangosteen highlights include:
- Gum disease-mix with toothpaste or mouthwash
- Arthritis- disk disease
- Help prevent cervical cancer by reducing HPV load
- Heart disease prevention
- Weight loss- reduces body ability to store fat
Warnings: Do not use if you have a bleeding disorder
Slippery Elm:
- Crohn's
- GERD/Acid Reflux
- Cough
- Sooth skin
- Constipation
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant or are planning to
Drug Interactions: It may slow down the absorption of medication. Take 2 hrs after or before any medication
Passion Flower Root highlights include:
- GABA promoter- Inhibitory
- Neurotransmitter
- Insomnia/Anxiety/REM sleep
- Opiod Dependance May decrease
- Epileptic episodes
- Menopause- Mood control
- Headache/Migraines/Pain Relief
Warnings: Avoid if pregnant, as it may cause uterine contraction. Do not drive or operate machinery, as it may cause drowsiness
Marshmallow Root highlights include:
- Cough relief
- Prevent Ulcers/Repair gut lining
- Crohn's
- Dry mouth
- Skin irritation (Salve)
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if suffering from bleeding disorders or 2 weeks prior to surgery
Drug Interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs. Do not take with Lithium medication
Our bee pollen is Monofloral/Single nectar sourced and has 200 beneficial compounds.
Bee Pollen highlights include: • Lower Cholesterol • May improve blood circulation • Liver disease • Possibly inhibits tumor growth • Inflammation • Immune system
Warning: Do not feed to infants under one year.
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Turmeric highlights include:
- Pain Relief
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood Pressure
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Best taken with black pepper 10 part turmeric 1 part black/cayenne pepper
Warnings: Overuse can lead to liver damage, GI problems and dermatitis
Carqueja highlights include:
- Liver detox like milk thistle
- Blood cleanser
- Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
- Stomach acid/ulcers
- Parasite worms
- Blood sugar
- Fever
Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that are metabolized in the liver
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage
Copaiba Oil highlights include: Copaiba Oil connects to the CB1 and CB2 blockchain just like CBD oil, but it does not have any CBD.
- Muscle pain
- Nerve Pain
- Headaches/migraines
- Skin and nail fungus
- Tumorous cancers
- Stomach ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Topical-pain reliever / anti-inflammatory / wound healing
Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Overuse can lead nausea. Avoid long term oral use
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Cayenne Pepper may help with:
- Digestion
- Topical for Psoriasis/shingle to relieve itching/pain
- Slightly increase metabolism
- Cancer- capsaicin reduces tumor growth/inhibits metastasis/cell killer (prostate/skin/pancreatic)
- High blood pressure
- H. Pylori Inhibitor
Drug Interactions: May potentiate blood thinners/aspirin, counteract acid reflux med, and may promote coughin
when takin ACE inhibitors
Warnings: Do not use if suering from GERD or IBS. Keep away from the eyes
Catuaba highlights include:
- Aphrodisiac/Libido
- Memory/dementia/alzheimer
- Sleep quality
- Nerve pain
- Male performance
- Female Libido
Muirapuama highlights include:- Nerve Regeneration
- Aphrodisiac - ED and Female Libido
- Neuralgia/Neuropathy (Nerve Inflammation/Pain)
- CNS system disorders - MS, Parkinsons
- Shingles
- Anxiety & Stress
Carqueja highlights include:
- Liver detox like milk thistle
- Blood cleanser
- Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
- Stomach acid/ulcers
- Parasite worms
- Blood sugar
- Fever
Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that are metabolized in the liver
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Cayenne Pepper may help with:
- Digestion
- Topical for Psoriasis/shingle to relieve itching/pain
- Slightly increase metabolism
- Cancer- capsaicin reduces tumor growth/inhibits metastasis/cell killer (prostate/skin/pancreatic)
- High blood pressure
- H. Pylori Inhibitor
Drug Interactions: May potentiate blood thinners/aspirin, counteract acid reflux med, and may promote coughin
when takin ACE inhibitors
Warnings: Do not use if suering from GERD or IBS. Keep away from the eyes
Catuaba highlights include:
- Aphrodisiac/Libido
- Memory/dementia/alzheimer
- Sleep quality
- Nerve pain
- Male performance
- Female Libido
Muirapuama highlights include:- Nerve Regeneration
- Aphrodisiac - ED and Female Libido
- Neuralgia/Neuropathy (Nerve Inflammation/Pain)
- CNS system disorders - MS, Parkinsons
- Shingles
- Anxiety & Stress
Carqueja highlights include:
- Liver detox like milk thistle
- Blood cleanser
- Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
- Stomach acid/ulcers
- Parasite worms
- Blood sugar
- Fever
Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that are metabolized in the liver
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage