Men’s Health
Men’s Health encompasses a wide range of factors – From prostate health and energy improvement to ED and testosterone. You will find the things below that specifically aid the male physique.
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Improve Men’s Health
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with men’s health. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
Pau Pereira natural highlights include:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Cancer affecting prostate, pancreas, and ovaries. It may potentiate Gemcitabine (Gemzar) effect
- Cancer Metastasis by inhibiting CSC's
- May Lower PSA levels
- Malaria
- Pain relief
- Fever
Drug Interactions: Do not take with Silica
Moringa Seed highlights include:- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Lungs/Asthma symptom reduction
- Constipation
- Gout
- Kidney health
- Vitamin E
- Hyperthyroidism
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other diabetic/hypertensive medication as it may potentiate them
Warnings: Do not abuse recommended amount
Pomegranate nature highlights include:- Ischemia-Reduces cholesterol build up
- Lowers H. Blood Pressure
- Cancer prevention
- Manganese- Joint/Bone health
- Athletic performance
- Good source of Magnesium and Folate
- Type 2 diabetes- May reduce glucose levels
- Digestion: IBS relief
- Liver- Reduction of GGT/NAFLD
Moringa Leaf powder highlights include:- Highly nutritious
- Chemoprotective/Detox
- Reduces risk of cancers
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides Reduction
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Improves Lactation
- Anemia/Sickle cell management
- Thyroidism- Stabilizes TSH levels
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other thyroid medication
Warnings: Avoid during 1st trimester of pregnancy
Black Cumin Seed Oil highlights include:
- Diabetes type 2
- Allergies/Asthma
- Cancer - thymoquinone
- Lung Function
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- H. Pylori/Colitis
- Male Fertility
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Overuse(dose) can lead to liver damage. With topical use, it could cause a severe allergic rash in some people.
Ginger highlights include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Nausea/Pregnancy health
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides
- Motion Sickness
- Vertigo
- Gut Health
- Slow Cancer growth
- Male fertility
Drug Interactions: Being an anticoagulant, it should not be paired with drugs with the same effect such as Warfarin, and possibly NSAIDs such as Aspirin; doubly important when used during pregnancy
Black Maca highlights include:
- Energy/Alertness
- Anxiety/Depression
- Infertility
- Sexual Performance
- Bone Density
- Testosterone
- Thyroid function
Drug Interactions: May counteract blood thinners
Warnings: Do not use if ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine cancer are present
Ashwagandha highlights include:
- Lowers Cortisol Levels
- Hypothyroidism- Up T4 to T3 conversion
- Stress/Anxiety/Depression/Irritability/Mood
- Lupus-SLE
- Chemoprotective against Paclitaxel
- Reduced chance of Metastasis
- Power Output
- Male Fertility-Sperm Quality
- Lowers Total Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Warning: Avoid for hyperthyroidism caused by Hashimoto's or Graves Disease
Amla highlights include:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides
- Dry Eye/Conjunctivitis
- Hair growth
- Cervical Cancer
- Male fertility
Royal Jelly highlights include:
- Male fertility- Up Testosterone
- Autoimmune Disorders thru reduction of IL2 and IL4- Lupus/Graves disease
- Total Cholesterol
- Menoupause/PMS
- Diabetes (lowers glucose)
- Skin- Boost Collagen
Drug Interactions: Do not take with blood thinners or cholesterol drugs
Warnings: Do not use if allergic to bees, honey, bee pollen or suffering from asthma. Have estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
Black Maca highlights include:
- Energy/Alertness
- Anxiety/Depression
- Infertility
- Sexual Performance
- Bone Density
- Testosterone
- Thyroid function
Drug Interactions: May counteract blood thinners
Warnings: Do not use if ovarian, breast, endometrial, and uterine cancer are present
Ashwagandha highlights include:
- Lowers Cortisol Levels
- Hypothyroidism- Up T4 to T3 conversion
- Stress/Anxiety/Depression/Irritability/Mood
- Lupus-SLE
- Chemoprotective against Paclitaxel
- Reduced chance of Metastasis
- Power Output
- Male Fertility-Sperm Quality
- Lowers Total Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Warning: Avoid for hyperthyroidism caused by Hashimoto's or Graves Disease
Royal Jelly highlights include:
- Male fertility- Up Testosterone
- Autoimmune Disorders thru reduction of IL2 and IL4- Lupus/Graves disease
- Total Cholesterol
- Menoupause/PMS
- Diabetes (lowers glucose)
- Skin- Boost Collagen
Drug Interactions: Do not take with blood thinners or cholesterol drugs
Warnings: Do not use if allergic to bees, honey, bee pollen or suffering from asthma. Have estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer