Our bee pollen is Monofloral/Single nectar sourced and has 200 beneficial compounds.
Bee Pollen highlights include: • Lower Cholesterol • May improve blood circulation • Liver disease • Possibly inhibits tumor growth • Inflammation • Immune system
Warning: Do not feed to infants under one year.
Our bee pollen is Monofloral/Single nectar sourced and has 200 beneficial compounds.
Bee Pollen highlights include: • Lower Cholesterol • May improve blood circulation • Liver disease • Possibly inhibits tumor growth • Inflammation • Immune system
Warning: Do not feed to infants under one year.
Carqueja highlights include:
- Liver detox like milk thistle
- Blood cleanser
- Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
- Stomach acid/ulcers
- Parasite worms
- Blood sugar
- Fever
Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that are metabolized in the liver
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage
Ceylon Cinnamon highlights include:
- Diabetes Type 1 MHCP's effects as an insulin mimetic but take 3 to 6 times longer to take effect
- Type 2 diabetes
- H. Blood Pressure
- Anti-inflammatory compounds
- Anti-bacterial/fungus/mold
- Polyphenol rich
Drug Interactions: May potentiate diabetic/high blood pressure medication
Chaga Mushroom highlights include:- Gut health (microbiome improvement)
- Meets FDA recommended Vitamin D2 daily requirement
- Cancer Fighting compounds
- Anti-viral (Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis C)
- Cytokine production (cell healers)
- Psoriasis
- Anti-inflammatory
Warnings: High doses of may cause kidney stones
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
There are many species of Frankincense (Boswellia) but only the Serrata species have been tested for: • AKBA and KBA Boswellic acids for Brain and Leukemia Cancers • Crohn's, IBS, and Ulcerative Colitis • Osteo/Rheumatoid Arthritis • Nasal Congestion
Ginger highlights include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Nausea/Pregnancy health
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides
- Motion Sickness
- Vertigo
- Gut Health
- Slow Cancer growth
- Male fertility
Drug Interactions: Being an anticoagulant, it should not be paired with drugs with the same effect such as Warfarin, and possibly NSAIDs such as Aspirin; doubly important when used during pregnancy
Lavender natural components are well known in aromatherapy and may help with:
- Aromatherapy
- Ingested: Insomnia/Fatigue/H. Blood Pressure
- Aromatherapy: Anxiety, Menstrual Cramps, Sleep quality, PTSD
Mangosteen highlights include:
- Gum disease-mix with toothpaste or mouthwash
- Arthritis- disk disease
- Help prevent cervical cancer by reducing HPV load
- Heart disease prevention
- Weight loss- reduces body ability to store fat
Warnings: Do not use if you have a bleeding disorder
Marshmallow Root highlights include:
- Cough relief
- Prevent Ulcers/Repair gut lining
- Crohn's
- Dry mouth
- Skin irritation (Salve)
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if suffering from bleeding disorders or 2 weeks prior to surgery
Drug Interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs. Do not take with Lithium medication
Moringa Leaf powder highlights include:- Highly nutritious
- Chemoprotective/Detox
- Reduces risk of cancers
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides Reduction
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Improves Lactation
- Anemia/Sickle cell management
- Thyroidism- Stabilizes TSH levels
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other thyroid medication
Warnings: Avoid during 1st trimester of pregnancy
Papaya highlights include:- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes- Slows rate of glycemic impact
- Anti-inflammatory - Asthma & Arthritis
- Zeaxanthin/Lycopene/Carotene for Eyes
- Aid digestion of meat and prevent constipation
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Cancer prevention
- Prevent heart disease
- Vitamin A and E- Hair/Skin health
- Good source of Magnesium
Warnings: Avoid if allergic to latex
Passion Flower Root highlights include:
- GABA promoter- Inhibitory
- Neurotransmitter
- Insomnia/Anxiety/REM sleep
- Opiod Dependance May decrease
- Epileptic episodes
- Menopause- Mood control
- Headache/Migraines/Pain Relief
Warnings: Avoid if pregnant, as it may cause uterine contraction. Do not drive or operate machinery, as it may cause drowsiness
Slippery Elm:
- Crohn's
- GERD/Acid Reflux
- Cough
- Sooth skin
- Constipation
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant or are planning to
Drug Interactions: It may slow down the absorption of medication. Take 2 hrs after or before any medication
Sour Sop Leaf highlights include:
- Its Acetogenins block ATP's -ideal for cancer affecting Breast, Pancreas, Lung, Liver, Ovarian, cervical, bladder and skin
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes type 2
- Ulcers
Drug Interactions: May potentiate diabetic/high blood pressure medication. Avoid combining with ATP-enhances like CoQ10
Warnings: Use for more than a month may affect gut flora. Best taken with Probiotic foods like Papaya, Dragon Fruit etc. Avoid if suffering from Parkinson's
Monofloral / Single nectar sourced
Coming from the unique Tupelo tree flower nectar in Appalachicola River Basin, FL
• Low glycemic index • Safest honey for diabetics • Digestive health • Anti-oxidants • Anti-inflammatory • Energy • Anti-microbial • Essential nutrients • Cardio Protective
Do not feed to infants under 1 year
Turkey Tail highlights include:
- Increase NK cells to fight cancer
- Rich in PSP and PSK to inhibit cancer cell growth
- Breast Cancer/Leukemia
- Immunostimulant
- Anti-inflammatory
Turmeric highlights include:
- Pain Relief
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes type 2
- High blood Pressure
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Best taken with black pepper 10 part turmeric 1 part black/cayenne pepper
Warnings: Overuse can lead to liver damage, GI problems and dermatitis