Catuaba highlights include:
- Aphrodisiac/Libido
- Memory/dementia/alzheimer
- Sleep quality
- Nerve pain
- Male performance
- Female Libido
Cayenne Pepper may help with:
- Digestion
- Topical for Psoriasis/shingle to relieve itching/pain
- Slightly increase metabolism
- Cancer- capsaicin reduces tumor growth/inhibits metastasis/cell killer (prostate/skin/pancreatic)
- High blood pressure
- H. Pylori Inhibitor
Drug Interactions: May potentiate blood thinners/aspirin, counteract acid reflux med, and may promote coughin
when takin ACE inhibitors
Warnings: Do not use if suering from GERD or IBS. Keep away from the eyes
Mangosteen highlights include:
- Gum disease-mix with toothpaste or mouthwash
- Arthritis- disk disease
- Help prevent cervical cancer by reducing HPV load
- Heart disease prevention
- Weight loss- reduces body ability to store fat
Warnings: Do not use if you have a bleeding disorder
Marshmallow Root highlights include:
- Cough relief
- Prevent Ulcers/Repair gut lining
- Crohn's
- Dry mouth
- Skin irritation (Salve)
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if suffering from bleeding disorders or 2 weeks prior to surgery
Drug Interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs. Do not take with Lithium medication
Passion Flower Root highlights include:
- GABA promoter- Inhibitory
- Neurotransmitter
- Insomnia/Anxiety/REM sleep
- Opiod Dependance May decrease
- Epileptic episodes
- Menopause- Mood control
- Headache/Migraines/Pain Relief
Warnings: Avoid if pregnant, as it may cause uterine contraction. Do not drive or operate machinery, as it may cause drowsiness
Slippery Elm:
- Crohn's
- GERD/Acid Reflux
- Cough
- Sooth skin
- Constipation
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant or are planning to
Drug Interactions: It may slow down the absorption of medication. Take 2 hrs after or before any medication