Beet Root 8 oz


29 in stock

Beet Root highlights include:


  • High Blood Pressure
  • Vitamin B9- Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention
  • Athletic Performance
  • Fatigue reduction
  • Cancer Prevention

Warnings: Do not use if suffering from Kidney Stones and/or Gout

29 in stock


Beet Root highlights include:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Vitamin B9- Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention
  • Athletic Performance
  • Fatigue reduction
  • Cancer Prevention

Warnings: Do not use if suffering from Kidney Stones and/or Gout

Frequently Asked Beetroot Powder Questions

1. What is beetroot powder?

Beetroot powder, also known as beet powder, is a vibrant pink or red product made by drying and grinding beets. It is rich in micronutrients and phytonutrients that may support heart, gut, and brain health.

The powder is derived from beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.), a reddish-purple root vegetable commonly referred to as beets.

2. What are the benefits of beetroot powder?

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Vitamin B9- Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention
  • Athletic Performance
  • Fatigue reduction
  • Cancer Prevention

High Blood pressure

Beetroot powder may help lower high blood pressure in individuals with hypertension. The nitrates in beets promote better blood flow, which can reduce blood pressure, ultimately lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Vitamin B9-Stroke/Heart Disease Prevention

Beetroot is rich in compounds that enhance blood flow, including nitric oxide, which helps move glucose and dilate blood vessels. While the potential heart health benefits of beetroot powder require further research, these compounds may support overall cardiovascular health.

Athletic performance

Beetroot powder, known for its nitrate content, can enhance athletic performance and endurance. Studies have shown that daily beetroot powder consumption improved the performance of trained cyclists and elite distance runners. The nitrates in beetroot powder boost the body’s oxygen utilization during intense exercise.

Cancer Prevention

Beetroot contains cancer-fighting compounds like betaine, ferulic acid, rutin, kaempferol, and caffeic acid. Though more research is needed, test-tube studies suggest beetroot extract may slow the growth and division of cancer cells. 

3. What is the ideal beetroot powder dosage?

The recommended dosage is 2 tablespoons per day.

4. What is beetroot powder nutrition?

Beetroot powder provides essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and potassium. A serving size of two teaspoons contains the following:

  • Calories: 20
  • Carbohydrates: 4 grams
  • Protein: Less than 1 gram
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Sugar: 2 grams (it is important to know, this is not added sugar, but fructose content natural to beetroot)
  • Fat: 0 grams

5. Which is better, beetroot juice or powder?

Raw beetroot powder is best.  Often too many vague answers are out there. At Nature’s Uncut we believe that most nutrients are locked in their fibrous pulps. Our stomach will naturally break them down for our bodies to allocate them according to where beetroot plays a role in our health functions.


Additional information

Weight 8 oz

8 oz

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