Carqueja 4 oz


91 in stock

Carqueja highlights include:

  • Liver detox like milk thistle
  • Blood cleanser
  • Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
  • Stomach acid/ulcers
  • Parasite worms
  • Blood sugar
  • Fever

Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and
anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in
the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that
are metabolized in the liver

Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage

91 in stock


Carqueja highlights include:

  • Liver detox like milk thistle
  • Blood cleanser
  • Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
  • Stomach acid/ulcers
  • Parasite worms
  • Blood sugar
  • Fever

Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and
anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in
the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that
are metabolized in the liver

Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage

Frequently Asked Carqueja questions

1. What is Carqueja? 

Carqueja is an herb that grows in South America. People usually dry the stems and leaves, and then use them to make medicine. It’s been a popular choice in people’s remedies for stomach problems, liver issues, and inflammation, and some also believe it helps with diabetes. Studies show it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antidiabetic powers.

2. What are the benefits of Carqueja?

  • Liver detox like milk thistle
  • Blood cleanser
  • Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
  • Stomach acid/ulcers
  • Parasite worms
  • Blood sugar
  • Fever

3. What is the English name for Carqueja?

Carqueja is often called saltwater false willow in English.

4. How is Carqueja powder typically used?

Carqueja powder can be mixed with water, tea, smoothies, or other beverages.

5. Is Carqueja powder safe for everyone?

Carqueja powder is thought to be okay for most healthy people. However, pregnant women should not use it because it can cause a miscarriage. Carqueja is a lot like Milk Thistle which may clear medication that is metabolized in the liver.  Check with your doctor if you are taking OTC or prescriptions to see if they are metabolized in the liver.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz

4 oz

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