Oregano Oil 2 fl oz


88 in stock

Oregano Oil highlights include:

  • Anti-parasite
  • Carvacrol- bacterial gut infection
  • Thymol- Fungal infections
  • Weight loss by blocking fat tissue creation
  • May prevent colon/breast cancer and inhibit growth of others
  • Insect repellant
  • Reduce LDL Cholesterol
  • Cold/Flu

Drug Interactions: May potentiate diuretics. Avoid if taking lithium or alike medication

Warnings: Do not use more than the recommended amount or use the oil without diluting
or if pregnant or breastfeeding

88 in stock


Oregano Oil highlights include:

  • Anti-parasite
  • Carvacrol- bacterial gut infection
  • Thymol- Fungal infections
  • Weight loss by blocking fat tissue creation
  • May prevent colon/breast cancer and inhibit growth of others
  • Insect repellant
  • Reduce LDL Cholesterol
  • Cold/Flu

Drug Interactions: May potentiate diuretics. Avoid if taking lithium or alike medication

Warnings: Do not use more than the recommended amount or use the oil without diluting
or if pregnant or breastfeeding

Frequently Asked Oregano Oil Questions

1. How is oregano oil extracted? 

Oregano oil is made using a process called steam distillation. First, dried oregano leaves and stems are placed in a special container. Then, steam is added to heat the plant material. This makes the oil turn into vapor, which is then collected and cooled. The result is a strong and pure oregano oil extract.

2. What are the benefits of oregano oil?

  • Anti-parasite
  • Carvacrol- bacterial gut infection
  • Thymol- Fungal infections
  • Weight loss by blocking fat tissue creation
  • May prevent colon/breast cancer and inhibit the growth of others
  • Insect repellant
  • Reduce LDL Cholesterol
  • Cold/Flu

3. How do I dilute oregano oil?

If you’re taking oregano oil by mouth, mix it with olive oil to make it safe to ingest. For use on your skin, combine it with a carrier oil like moringa oil.  This helps prevent irritation and makes it gentle enough to apply. 

4. What should you avoid when using oregano oil?

  • It can make diuretics (water pills) work too strongly, so be cautious.
  • Don’t use it if you’re taking lithium or similar medicines.
  • Always dilute the oil and don’t use more than the recommended amount.
  • Avoid oregano oil if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

5. What’s the recommended dose for oregano oil?

  • For ingestion: Mix 2-4 drops with ½ to 1 tablespoon of olive oil before taking it.
  • For skin use: Combine 1 part oregano oil with 10 parts of carrier oil, like moringa or olive oil.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz
4 fluid oz


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