

Spirulina highlights include:
• Reduces fatty liver
• Stroke brain protection
• May aid kinetics of cancer drugs with berries
• Detox of heavy metals
• Long term use for allergies, asthma, eczema – Decreases interleukin 4
• Cholesterol / High blood pressure / Diabetes
• Stroke prevention
• Immune system

Warning: Overuse may cause headaches

Serving: 1 teaspoon twice per day

In stock


Spirulina highlights include:
• Reduces fatty liver
• Stroke brain protection
• May aid kinetics of cancer drugs with berries
• Detox of heavy metals
• Long term use for allergies, asthma, eczema – Decreases interleukin 4
• Cholesterol / High blood pressure / Diabetes
• Stroke prevention
• Immune system

Warning: Overuse may cause headaches

Serving: 1 teaspoon twice per day

Our powders have no added sugars and no artificial fillers. They are all-natural products with all of the natural properties kept in place. Simply Uncut.

Additional information

Weight 4 oz

4 oz
