Pau Pereira (Ubá-Açú) 4 oz


Pau Pereira may help with:

• Malaria

•Cancer metastasis by inhibiting

• Fever

• Alzheimer’s disease

• Cancer affecting prostate, pancreas and ovaries. It may potentiate gemcitabine             (Gemzar) effect.

• Pain relief

In stock


You can enjoy our natural products such as our Pau Pereira Powder just by adding it to a glass of water, a yogurt, or tea.

Pau Pereira highlights include:
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Cancer affecting prostate, pancreas and ovaries. It may potentiate gemcitabine             (Gemzar) effect.
• Cancer metastasis by inhibiting CSC’s
• Fever
•Pain relief

Our powders have no added sugars and no artificial fillers. They are all-natural products with all of the natural properties kept in place. Simply Uncut.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz

8 oz
