Allergies, Asthma, Cold & Flu
With onset of a cold or Spring allergies, you may be searching for a natural option. You’ll be find below specific options to help you based on your current needs. Especially, you’ll note solutions for allergies, asthma, cold, flu, fever, cough and vitamin C & D.
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Health Benefits for Allergies, Asthma, Cold & Flu
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with allergies, asthma, cold or flu. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
High Vitamin C, Minerals (Prevention)
Green Seamoss highlights include:
- 92 of 102 Essential Minerals
- May help Parkinson's
- Immune system
- Hypothyroidism
- Workout recovery- Muscle repair
- Fucoxanthin- May reduce glucose
Drug Interactions: It may counter-act Graves (Hyperthyroidism) medication. Can potentiate Iodine medication
Warnings: For full bioavailabity, it should be prepared and transformed to Gel form: scan lower QR code for video sample (not associated with the Nature Uncut Co.) of how to make gel. Do not use if suffering from Hyperthyroidism and or Crohn´s disease
Acerola highlights include:
- Fights free radicals/Immune System Support
- High source of vitamin C and Magnesium
- Strong anti-oxidant & cellular protector
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Antifungal
- High cholesterol and fatty liver
- Memory Loss
- Liver Protection
Warning: Those who are allergic to latex may be allergic to acerola.
Camu Camu highlights include:
- Cold/Flu
- 20x more vitamin C than oranges
- Weight loss/fat burning
- Antioxidant/Immune System
- Nutritious
- Cholesterol balance
- High Blood Pressure
Kale highlights include:- Magnesium/Calcium/Potassium rich
- Vision- Lowers risk of cataract /macular degeneration
- Lowers Cholesterol-LDL
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Dementia/Alzheimer Preventions
- Lengthens Telomeres- Genetic Disease Prevention
- Longevity
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.
Purple Seamoss highlights include:
- 92 of 102 Essential Minerals
- May help Parkinson's
- Immune system
- Hypothyroidism
- Workout recovery- Muscle repair
- Fucoxanthin- May reduce glucose
Drug Interactions: It may counter-act Graves (Hyperthyroidism) medication. Can potentiate Iodine medication
Warnings: For full bioavailabity, it should be prepared and transformed to Gel form: scan lower QR code for video sample (not associated with the Nature Uncut Co.) of how to make gel. Do not use if suffering from Hyperthyroidism and or Crohn´s disease
Expectorant / Mucolytic/ Cough Suppressant
Passion fruit natural highlights:
- Respiratory- Asthma/Bronchitis/Cough
- Hyperactivity
- Kidney- mild diuretic
- Low glycemic impact
- Improve Insulin Sensitivity
Warnings: Avoid if allergic to latex
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
Black Cumin Seed Oil highlights include:
- Diabetes type 2
- Allergies/Asthma
- Cancer - thymoquinone
- Lung Function
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- H. Pylori/Colitis
- Male Fertility
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Overuse(dose) can lead to liver damage. With topical use, it could cause a severe allergic rash in some people.
Kiwi highlights include:- Prebiotics for Digestive Health- IBS/LGS
- Better Sleep-Seratonin to Create Melatonin
- Blood Pressure/Stroke Prevention
- May Lower Cholesterol
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Prevent Kidney Stones
- Eye health
- Asthma- Wheezing reduction
Mulungu highlights include:- Sedative- Sleep-Restlessness
- Nicotine/Drug Withdrawal
- Tachycardia/High blood pressure
- Asthma/Pneumonia
- Epilepsy
- Mild pain reliever
- Liver protection
Drug Interactions: May potentiate some antianxiety drugs such as diazepam and antihypertensive drugs.
Warnings: Do not drive/operate machinery. Avoid during pregnancy
Elderberry highlights include:
- Flu/Cold like symptoms
- Antioxidants
- Diuretic
Drug Interactions: Do not take with Diuretics as it may potentiate them
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Must be heated in hot water for 5 minutes before use
Nasal Relief
Goldenrod highlights:
- Allergies
- Kidney - UTI
- Bladder - Incontinence
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant, have a heart condition, and or have kidney disease. May cause heartburn.
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
There are many species of Frankincense (Boswellia) but only the Serrata species have been tested for: • AKBA and KBA Boswellic acids for Brain and Leukemia Cancers • Crohn's, IBS, and Ulcerative Colitis • Osteo/Rheumatoid Arthritis • Nasal Congestion
Black Cumin Seed Oil highlights include:
- Diabetes type 2
- Allergies/Asthma
- Cancer - thymoquinone
- Lung Function
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- H. Pylori/Colitis
- Male Fertility
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Overuse(dose) can lead to liver damage. With topical use, it could cause a severe allergic rash in some people.
Kiwi highlights include:- Prebiotics for Digestive Health- IBS/LGS
- Better Sleep-Seratonin to Create Melatonin
- Blood Pressure/Stroke Prevention
- May Lower Cholesterol
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Prevent Kidney Stones
- Eye health
- Asthma- Wheezing reduction
Pau Pereira natural highlights include:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Cancer affecting prostate, pancreas, and ovaries. It may potentiate Gemcitabine (Gemzar) effect
- Cancer Metastasis by inhibiting CSC's
- May Lower PSA levels
- Malaria
- Pain relief
- Fever
Drug Interactions: Do not take with Silica
Sour Sop Fruit highlights include:- Lymphatic System
- Antihelmintic- kills parasites and worms
- Zeaxanthin- Eyes
- Cools fevers
- Breasfeeding - Improves lactation
- B1,B2,B3 Vitamins, Folates, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium
- Great source of Fiber
- Potasium- Sodium remover - lower H. blood pressure
Carqueja highlights include:
- Liver detox like milk thistle
- Blood cleanser
- Pain reliever/anti-inflammatory
- Stomach acid/ulcers
- Parasite worms
- Blood sugar
- Fever
Drug Interaction: It may potentiate the effects of antihypertensive drugs and insulin and anti-diabetic drugs. It may speed the clearance of some drugs metabolized in the liver, thereby reducing the pharmacological effect and/or side effects of drugs that are metabolized in the liver
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage
Freezed-Dried Coconut Water highlights: 1 tablespoon comes from 12 fl oz coconut water
- Awesome source of Magnesium and Vitamin B-complex
- Hydration-Electrolytes including Magnesium
- Hangovers/Morning Sickness
- Bone Density
- Prevent kidney stones
- Energy
- Healthy Pregnancy
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Menstrual Pain
Warnings: Not for people with Chronic Kidney disease or hyperkalemia
Sore Throat
Known as the most antibacterial honey in the world with a unique rating system that validates its purity, Manuka honey and its MGO concentration may help with:
Ingested for:
- Sore throats/Strep throat
- Digestive bacterial infections (H. Pylori)
- Gum Disease/Tooth Decay
- IBS/Gastric Ulcers
- Cystic Fibrosis
Topically for:
- Healing burn
- Scarring
- Acne
- Diabetic Sores
Copaiba Oil highlights include: Copaiba Oil connects to the CB1 and CB2 blockchain just like CBD oil, but it does not have any CBD.
- Muscle pain
- Nerve Pain
- Headaches/migraines
- Skin and nail fungus
- Tumorous cancers
- Stomach ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Topical-pain reliever / anti-inflammatory / wound healing
Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Overuse can lead nausea. Avoid long term oral use
Sympton Relief
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
Black Cumin Seed Oil highlights include:
- Diabetes type 2
- Allergies/Asthma
- Cancer - thymoquinone
- Lung Function
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- H. Pylori/Colitis
- Male Fertility
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Overuse(dose) can lead to liver damage. With topical use, it could cause a severe allergic rash in some people.
Ginger highlights include:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Nausea/Pregnancy health
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides
- Motion Sickness
- Vertigo
- Gut Health
- Slow Cancer growth
- Male fertility
Drug Interactions: Being an anticoagulant, it should not be paired with drugs with the same effect such as Warfarin, and possibly NSAIDs such as Aspirin; doubly important when used during pregnancy
Mulungu highlights include:- Sedative- Sleep-Restlessness
- Nicotine/Drug Withdrawal
- Tachycardia/High blood pressure
- Asthma/Pneumonia
- Epilepsy
- Mild pain reliever
- Liver protection
Drug Interactions: May potentiate some antianxiety drugs such as diazepam and antihypertensive drugs.
Warnings: Do not drive/operate machinery. Avoid during pregnancy
Elderberry highlights include:
- Flu/Cold like symptoms
- Antioxidants
- Diuretic
Drug Interactions: Do not take with Diuretics as it may potentiate them
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Must be heated in hot water for 5 minutes before use
Mullein Leaf highlights include:
- Asthma
- Mucolytic/phlegm loosening
- Cough
- Pulmonary Disease
- Migraine
- Ear infection
Our bee pollen is Monofloral/Single nectar sourced and has 200 beneficial compounds.
Bee Pollen highlights include: • Lower Cholesterol • May improve blood circulation • Liver disease • Possibly inhibits tumor growth • Inflammation • Immune system
Warning: Do not feed to infants under one year.
Goldenrod highlights:
- Allergies
- Kidney - UTI
- Bladder - Incontinence
- Diuretic
Warnings: Do not take if pregnant, have a heart condition, and or have kidney disease. May cause heartburn.
Black Cumin Seed Oil highlights include:
- Diabetes type 2
- Allergies/Asthma
- Cancer - thymoquinone
- Lung Function
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- H. Pylori/Colitis
- Male Fertility
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Overuse(dose) can lead to liver damage. With topical use, it could cause a severe allergic rash in some people.
Spirulina highlights include:
- Cholesterol/High Blood Pressure/Diabetes type 2
- Liver- NAFLD
- Stroke prevention
- Immune system
- Decreases Interleukin 4- Allergies, Asthma, Eczema
- Cancer therapy
- Detox/Heavy Metals
- Weight loss
- Muscle endurance
Warnings: Overuse may cause headaches. Do not take if suffering from Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and/or MS
Our bee pollen is Monofloral/Single nectar sourced and has 200 beneficial compounds.
Bee Pollen highlights include: • Lower Cholesterol • May improve blood circulation • Liver disease • Possibly inhibits tumor growth • Inflammation • Immune system
Warning: Do not feed to infants under one year.