Amla highlights include:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Cholesterol/Triglycerides
- Dry Eye/Conjunctivitis
- Hair growth
- Cervical Cancer
- Male fertility
Black Cumin Seed Oil highlights include:
- Diabetes type 2
- Allergies/Asthma
- Cancer - thymoquinone
- Lung Function
- Cholesterol & Fatty Liver
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- H. Pylori/Colitis
- Male Fertility
- Chronic Kidney Disease
Warnings: Do not use during pregnancy. Overuse(dose) can lead to liver damage. With topical use, it could cause a severe allergic rash in some people.
Cayenne Pepper may help with:
- Digestion
- Topical for Psoriasis/shingle to relieve itching/pain
- Slightly increase metabolism
- Cancer- capsaicin reduces tumor growth/inhibits metastasis/cell killer (prostate/skin/pancreatic)
- High blood pressure
- H. Pylori Inhibitor
Drug Interactions: May potentiate blood thinners/aspirin, counteract acid reflux med, and may promote coughin
when takin ACE inhibitors
Warnings: Do not use if suering from GERD or IBS. Keep away from the eyes
Chaga Mushroom highlights include:- Gut health (microbiome improvement)
- Meets FDA recommended Vitamin D2 daily requirement
- Cancer Fighting compounds
- Anti-viral (Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis C)
- Cytokine production (cell healers)
- Psoriasis
- Anti-inflammatory
Warnings: High doses of may cause kidney stones
There are many species of Frankincense (Boswellia) but only the Serrata species have been tested for: • AKBA and KBA Boswellic acids for Brain and Leukemia Cancers • Crohn's, IBS, and Ulcerative Colitis • Osteo/Rheumatoid Arthritis • Nasal Congestion
Monk Fruit highlights include:
- Diabetes Management- Zero Glycemic impact
- Potent Sweetener
- Mongrosides-Chronic Inflammation
- Weight loss by avoiding sugar sweets
- May help with Colorectal and Throat Cancer
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/- yeast)
Reishi Mushroom nature highlights include:
- Detox / immunostimulating
- Cancer Killing-Angiogenesis (Triterpenoids/polysacchades/peptidoglycans)
- Increase HDL-C
- Kidney- Proteinura reduction
Sea Buckthorn Oil highlights include:
- Weight loss by carbohydrate absorption reduction
- Phytosterols- Heart health thru cholesterol blocking
- Dry eyes
- Quercetin- Anticancer
- Liver-Cirrhosis
- Vaginal dryness
- Adrenal fatigue
- Fe, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn rich
Drug interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant/antiplatelet/H. blood pressure drugs
Sour Sop Leaf highlights include:
- Its Acetogenins block ATP's -ideal for cancer affecting Breast, Pancreas, Lung, Liver, Ovarian, cervical, bladder and skin
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes type 2
- Ulcers
Drug Interactions: May potentiate diabetic/high blood pressure medication. Avoid combining with ATP-enhances like CoQ10
Warnings: Use for more than a month may affect gut flora. Best taken with Probiotic foods like Papaya, Dragon Fruit etc. Avoid if suffering from Parkinson's
Turkey Tail highlights include:
- Increase NK cells to fight cancer
- Rich in PSP and PSK to inhibit cancer cell growth
- Breast Cancer/Leukemia
- Immunostimulant
- Anti-inflammatory