Skin Health
Skin is the receiver of a number of issues – From rosacea to psoriasis, eczema, acne, lack of Collagen leading to wrinkles, dermatitis and herpes. While we cannot change our genetics, we can create healthier skin by eating properly, using natural supplements and topical oils.
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Help With:
Improve your Skin Health
100% natural, no sugar and 25+ servings per package. All of the natural products on this page help with skin health. However, you may wish to select certain products to help based on your specific needs. Read about each product’s health benefits then select the items you want to buy below.
Hair Health
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Rosemary Oil natural components and may help with:
- Hair growth (Topical Use)
- Memory- Dementia/
- Alzheimer (Aromatherapy)
- Circulation- Raynaud (Topical)
- Stress (Aromatherapy)
- Pain Relief - anti-inflammatory (Topical)
- Anti-biotic potentiator
- Wound healing (topical)
- Liver- Cirrhosis
- Cancer- Apoptosis thru Carnosol
Drug interactions: internally may interact with anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs, ACE, diuretics and lithium
Warning: Best mixed with a carrier oil (Olive/Moringa Oil)
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Papaya highlights include:- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes- Slows rate of glycemic impact
- Anti-inflammatory - Asthma & Arthritis
- Zeaxanthin/Lycopene/Carotene for Eyes
- Aid digestion of meat and prevent constipation
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Cancer prevention
- Prevent heart disease
- Vitamin A and E- Hair/Skin health
- Good source of Magnesium
Warnings: Avoid if allergic to latex
Nails Health
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Papaya highlights include:- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes- Slows rate of glycemic impact
- Anti-inflammatory - Asthma & Arthritis
- Zeaxanthin/Lycopene/Carotene for Eyes
- Aid digestion of meat and prevent constipation
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Cancer prevention
- Prevent heart disease
- Vitamin A and E- Hair/Skin health
- Good source of Magnesium
Warnings: Avoid if allergic to latex
Copaiba Oil highlights include: Copaiba Oil connects to the CB1 and CB2 blockchain just like CBD oil, but it does not have any CBD.
- Muscle pain
- Nerve Pain
- Headaches/migraines
- Skin and nail fungus
- Tumorous cancers
- Stomach ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Topical-pain reliever / anti-inflammatory / wound healing
Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Overuse can lead nausea. Avoid long term oral use
Royal Jelly highlights include:
- Male fertility- Up Testosterone
- Autoimmune Disorders thru reduction of IL2 and IL4- Lupus/Graves disease
- Total Cholesterol
- Menoupause/PMS
- Diabetes (lowers glucose)
- Skin- Boost Collagen
Drug Interactions: Do not take with blood thinners or cholesterol drugs
Warnings: Do not use if allergic to bees, honey, bee pollen or suffering from asthma. Have estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
Collagen Booster
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.
Collagen highlights include:
- New skin cells
- Bones
- Joints
- Protective cover for organs
- Hair
- Athletic Perfomance and Muscle Recovery
- Heart- Stronger arteries by reduction of Calcium buildup
Warnings: Do not use if suffering with Chronic Kidney Stones
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Skin Tone & Wrinkles
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Sea Buckthorn Oil highlights include:
- Weight loss by carbohydrate absorption reduction
- Phytosterols- Heart health thru cholesterol blocking
- Dry eyes
- Quercetin- Anticancer
- Liver-Cirrhosis
- Vaginal dryness
- Adrenal fatigue
- Fe, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn rich
Drug interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant/antiplatelet/H. blood pressure drugs
Rosemary Oil natural components and may help with:
- Hair growth (Topical Use)
- Memory- Dementia/
- Alzheimer (Aromatherapy)
- Circulation- Raynaud (Topical)
- Stress (Aromatherapy)
- Pain Relief - anti-inflammatory (Topical)
- Anti-biotic potentiator
- Wound healing (topical)
- Liver- Cirrhosis
- Cancer- Apoptosis thru Carnosol
Drug interactions: internally may interact with anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs, ACE, diuretics and lithium
Warning: Best mixed with a carrier oil (Olive/Moringa Oil)
Copaiba Oil highlights include: Copaiba Oil connects to the CB1 and CB2 blockchain just like CBD oil, but it does not have any CBD.
- Muscle pain
- Nerve Pain
- Headaches/migraines
- Skin and nail fungus
- Tumorous cancers
- Stomach ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Topical-pain reliever / anti-inflammatory / wound healing
Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Overuse can lead nausea. Avoid long term oral use
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Vitamin E
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.
Moringa Seed highlights include:- Diabetes type 2
- High blood pressure
- Lungs/Asthma symptom reduction
- Constipation
- Gout
- Kidney health
- Vitamin E
- Hyperthyroidism
Drug Interactions: Do not take with other diabetic/hypertensive medication as it may potentiate them
Warnings: Do not abuse recommended amount
Papaya highlights include:- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes- Slows rate of glycemic impact
- Anti-inflammatory - Asthma & Arthritis
- Zeaxanthin/Lycopene/Carotene for Eyes
- Aid digestion of meat and prevent constipation
- Vitamin K-Bones
- Cancer prevention
- Prevent heart disease
- Vitamin A and E- Hair/Skin health
- Good source of Magnesium
Warnings: Avoid if allergic to latex
Gotu Kola highlights include:
- Chronic Venous Insufficiency- Leg Varicose Veins, swelling, itching, ulcers
- Blood Circulation
- Brain health
- Cognitive Skill- Alzheimer
- Skin- Protects Collagen and promotes it
- Leg Edema
- Wound healing
- Vitamin E synergy
Warnings: Consult with doctor if you have liver disease/Avoid if pregnant
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Manuka Oil highlights are:
- Candida- Fungal Infections
- Flavesone and leptospermone- Herpes 1 and 2
- Cicatrisant-Burns/Wounds
- Eczema/Psoriasis/Acne
- Allergies
- Antibacterial
- Mucositis
Warnings: Always test on small patch of skin for allergies
Spirulina highlights include:
- Cholesterol/High Blood Pressure/Diabetes type 2
- Liver- NAFLD
- Stroke prevention
- Immune system
- Decreases Interleukin 4- Allergies, Asthma, Eczema
- Cancer therapy
- Detox/Heavy Metals
- Weight loss
- Muscle endurance
Warnings: Overuse may cause headaches. Do not take if suffering from Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and/or MS
Hemp Seed highlights include:
- 30% Protein
- Omega 3 and Omega 6
- Healthy Heart
- Healthy Digestion
- Nice Magnesium, Zinc, and Vit. E
- May reduce eczema symptoms
- Anti-inflammatory GLA
Drug Interactions: May potentiate cardiac glycosides (digoxin), diuretics, and blood thinners
Manuka Oil highlights are:
- Candida- Fungal Infections
- Flavesone and leptospermone- Herpes 1 and 2
- Cicatrisant-Burns/Wounds
- Eczema/Psoriasis/Acne
- Allergies
- Antibacterial
- Mucositis
Warnings: Always test on small patch of skin for allergies
Cayenne Pepper may help with:
- Digestion
- Topical for Psoriasis/shingle to relieve itching/pain
- Slightly increase metabolism
- Cancer- capsaicin reduces tumor growth/inhibits metastasis/cell killer (prostate/skin/pancreatic)
- High blood pressure
- H. Pylori Inhibitor
Drug Interactions: May potentiate blood thinners/aspirin, counteract acid reflux med, and may promote coughin
when takin ACE inhibitors
Warnings: Do not use if suering from GERD or IBS. Keep away from the eyes
Chaga Mushroom highlights include:- Gut health (microbiome improvement)
- Meets FDA recommended Vitamin D2 daily requirement
- Cancer Fighting compounds
- Anti-viral (Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis C)
- Cytokine production (cell healers)
- Psoriasis
- Anti-inflammatory
Warnings: High doses of may cause kidney stones
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Manuka Oil highlights are:
- Candida- Fungal Infections
- Flavesone and leptospermone- Herpes 1 and 2
- Cicatrisant-Burns/Wounds
- Eczema/Psoriasis/Acne
- Allergies
- Antibacterial
- Mucositis
Warnings: Always test on small patch of skin for allergies
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
Acerola highlights include:
- Fights free radicals/Immune System Support
- High source of vitamin C and Magnesium
- Strong anti-oxidant & cellular protector
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Antifungal
- High cholesterol and fatty liver
- Memory Loss
- Liver Protection
Warning: Those who are allergic to latex may be allergic to acerola.
Ceylon Cinnamon highlights include:
- Diabetes Type 1 MHCP's effects as an insulin mimetic but take 3 to 6 times longer to take effect
- Type 2 diabetes
- H. Blood Pressure
- Anti-inflammatory compounds
- Anti-bacterial/fungus/mold
- Polyphenol rich
Drug Interactions: May potentiate diabetic/high blood pressure medication
Copaiba Oil highlights include: Copaiba Oil connects to the CB1 and CB2 blockchain just like CBD oil, but it does not have any CBD.
- Muscle pain
- Nerve Pain
- Headaches/migraines
- Skin and nail fungus
- Tumorous cancers
- Stomach ulcers
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Topical-pain reliever / anti-inflammatory / wound healing
Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Overuse can lead nausea. Avoid long term oral use
Oregano Oil highlights include:
- Anti-parasite
- Carvacrol- bacterial gut infection
- Thymol- Fungal infections
- Weight loss by blocking fat tissue creation
- May prevent colon/breast cancer and inhibit growth of others
- Insect repellant
- Reduce LDL Cholesterol
- Cold/Flu
Drug Interactions: May potentiate diuretics. Avoid if taking lithium or alike medication
Warnings: Do not use more than the recommended amount or use the oil without diluting or if pregnant or breastfeeding
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Sea Buckthorn Oil highlights include:
- Weight loss by carbohydrate absorption reduction
- Phytosterols- Heart health thru cholesterol blocking
- Dry eyes
- Quercetin- Anticancer
- Liver-Cirrhosis
- Vaginal dryness
- Adrenal fatigue
- Fe, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn rich
Drug interactions: May potentiate anticoagulant/antiplatelet/H. blood pressure drugs
Dry Scalp
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Candida A
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
Manuka Oil highlights are:
- Candida- Fungal Infections
- Flavesone and leptospermone- Herpes 1 and 2
- Cicatrisant-Burns/Wounds
- Eczema/Psoriasis/Acne
- Allergies
- Antibacterial
- Mucositis
Warnings: Always test on small patch of skin for allergies
Monk Fruit highlights include:
- Diabetes Management- Zero Glycemic impact
- Potent Sweetener
- Mongrosides-Chronic Inflammation
- Weight loss by avoiding sugar sweets
- May help with Colorectal and Throat Cancer
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/- yeast)
Diabetic Sores
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Hyper-Pigmentation / Age Spots
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Our Moringa Seed Oil deeply moisturizes the skin without leaving any oily residue behind and without clogging pores.
It absorbs quickly and is great for all skin types. Regenerate your skin with natural simply uncut products! 🌱
Ideal for:
• Eczema • Acne • Psoriasis • Blemishes • Boost Collagen • Rejuvenator
Click here to learn more about the Benefits of Cold-pressed Moringa Seed Oil.
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Chia Seed Oil Highlights: Chia seeds are not bio-available – Its oil is much more bio-available into the body!
- Super rich in Omega-3
- Rheumatoid/Osteo Arthritis
- Liver/Pancreas protective
- Increase HDL and lower LDL/VLDL
- Immune system
- Neuro development
- Heart stability - Arrhythmias
- Acne
Warning: Do not heat product above 150 degrees Fahrenheit as it will lose its Omega 3
Manuka Oil highlights are:
- Candida- Fungal Infections
- Flavesone and leptospermone- Herpes 1 and 2
- Cicatrisant-Burns/Wounds
- Eczema/Psoriasis/Acne
- Allergies
- Antibacterial
- Mucositis
Warnings: Always test on small patch of skin for allergies
Known as the most antibacterial honey in the world with a unique rating system that validates its purity, Manuka honey and its MGO concentration may help with:
Ingested for:
- Sore throats/Strep throat
- Digestive bacterial infections (H. Pylori)
- Gum Disease/Tooth Decay
- IBS/Gastric Ulcers
- Cystic Fibrosis
Topically for:
- Healing burn
- Scarring
- Acne
- Diabetic Sores
Known as the most antibacterial honey in the world with a unique rating system that validates its purity, Manuka honey and its MGO concentration may help with:
Ingested for:
- Sore throats/Strep throat
- Digestive bacterial infections (H. Pylori)
- Gum Disease/Tooth Decay
- IBS/Gastric Ulcers
- Cystic Fibrosis
Topically for:
- Healing burn
- Scarring
- Acne
- Diabetic Sores
Cayenne Pepper may help with:
- Digestion
- Topical for Psoriasis/shingle to relieve itching/pain
- Slightly increase metabolism
- Cancer- capsaicin reduces tumor growth/inhibits metastasis/cell killer (prostate/skin/pancreatic)
- High blood pressure
- H. Pylori Inhibitor
Drug Interactions: May potentiate blood thinners/aspirin, counteract acid reflux med, and may promote coughin
when takin ACE inhibitors
Warnings: Do not use if suering from GERD or IBS. Keep away from the eyes
Muirapuama highlights include:- Nerve Regeneration
- Aphrodisiac - ED and Female Libido
- Neuralgia/Neuropathy (Nerve Inflammation/Pain)
- CNS system disorders - MS, Parkinsons
- Shingles
- Anxiety & Stress
Insect Repellant
LemonGrass natural components and may help with:
- Antibacterial
- Pneumonia
- Gingivitis-2% gel
- Fungal infections-Candida (thrush/yeast)
- Headaches
- Relaxation massage
- Colitis
- Bug repellent
Warnings: Do not apply undiluted on the skin/Do not ingest if pregnant
Oregano Oil highlights include:
- Anti-parasite
- Carvacrol- bacterial gut infection
- Thymol- Fungal infections
- Weight loss by blocking fat tissue creation
- May prevent colon/breast cancer and inhibit growth of others
- Insect repellant
- Reduce LDL Cholesterol
- Cold/Flu
Drug Interactions: May potentiate diuretics. Avoid if taking lithium or alike medication
Warnings: Do not use more than the recommended amount or use the oil without diluting or if pregnant or breastfeeding
Breast Feeding Irritation
Aloe Vera highlights include:
- Thyroid health- Hashimoto's and Graves Disease (by decreasing TSH and TPO antibodies)
- Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
- Skin/Hair
- Digestion/Heart burn/IBS
- Improves bioavailability of Vitamin C and E
- Cardio Beneficial
- Canker Sores/Breastfeeding
Drug Interactions: Do not take if you are taking any of the following medications: anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs, antidiabetic medications, blood thinners, corticosteroids (including prednisone and prednisolone), cardiac glycoside drugs (including digoxin and digitoxin), diuretic medications, sevoflurane, or stimulant laxatives
Warnings: Do not used if pregnant as it may cause premature uterine contractions. Avoid if allergic latex.